Shantell is a born and raised Milwaukee native. Mother to 3 sons(one deceased) and grandmother to one grandson. A registered nurse, end-of-life doula, certified grief counselor, trauma-informed practitioner, certified thanatologist (study of death, dying, and bereavement), reiki practitioner, and registered yoga teacher.  She is also the facilitator of Death Café MKE, holding space for people to have death related conversations. She is a strong believer in allowing individuals to have their own human experience. Shantell is the owner of Dignity With Departure, Blue Lotus Life, and the founder of Redefining Life Services Inc; the nonprofit organization of the newly developed Redefining Life Center for Grief and Healing. This spring she is launching the Safe Baby Program pilot developed to address gaps and provide supplemental support for current programs to reduce incidence of infant mortality related to unsafe sleep and abusive head trauma.