Samantha Collier is the Founder and Executive Director of TeamTeal365 Inc. She has nearly 20 years of expertise in the fields of state-wide anti-violence work, youth empowerment, social-emotional growth, and developing national systems of change. Within her career, she has had the pleasure of serving organizations/ schools/ businesses including but not limited to WestCare WI, Milwaukee Excellence Charter, Dr. Howard Fuller High School, Middle and High School, West Allis Central, City of Milwaukee Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commissioner, Heal The Hood MKE, and Aurora Advocates for Health. Health Ambassadors for MKE Black Grassroots for Network For Health Equity contribute to filling this need. Health Ambassadors will serve translators, brokers, and connectors so that Black residents have information on COVID-19 and other health issues that is delivered from a credible source, is understandable, and links them to community resources.